Post by Hans-Joachim ZierkeSecond part.
Without any doubt, and German millionaires don't behave differently
from Greek millionaires, at least most of them. The difference lies
in the risk, to get caught.
(That's the ex-boss of Deutsche Post taken in by police.)
I'll be blunt, and I will point to a kind of 'omerta' between the
political elite and the higher society in Greece.
If anyone tries to 'rock the boat', he'll have a hard time pressing for
his case.
An example:
The ex-vice minister of economy Dimitris Kouselas (after a recent
reshuffle) claimed in a party meeting (and later to journalists) that he
sent to the previous minister of economy a list of 3.800 people owing
more than one million in taxes each
(that happened during a shouting match with the current minister of
Economy about the tax evasion)
The ex-minister denied that claim, and the next day the ex-vice minister
claimed he was being misquoted.
Lots of such incidents anger the populace, which feels that is being
ridiculed and that it pays for the rich and the corrupt.
Post by Hans-Joachim ZierkePost by Nick Fotiseverybody knew that the Greek economy was not worth the ridiculously low
interest in money being loaned (basically, the really wrong part was
providing ultra-cheap credit on the whole Eurozone at German-level
interest, on economies that had no relation to Germany)
Why not? If used in the right way, this was to be a /major/ economic
advantage of the euro zone, especially for countries like Greece!
Worth billions to the Greek state, every year!
The problem is that all this cheap credit wasn't being used in
productive fashion, or for good infrastructure projects.
For example, the Athens-Thessaloniki mainline still is a long way from
becoming double-tracked all the way, and with working electrification,
with the project having started decades ago, and lots of money sunk into
a huge hole...
If at least the electrification was complete, TRAINOSE would weather
better the much higher prices of diesel fuel these days.
But they didn't energize the already installed catenary in southern
Greece, with the result that gupsies stole more than 180 km of it, and
now OSE must reinstall it, at an expense of over 25 million Euros...
Post by Hans-Joachim ZierkePost by Nick FotisAnd this triggered an irresponsible behaviour on the populace and the
elected politicians, while EU and Eurostat was accepting all these
spurious statistics and the excuses.
Nobody expected, or at least nobody outside of Greece (not just in
Germany, but nobody) the _EXTENT_ of the creative statistics. Reason is,
that with this extent of creative accounting, it was no longer possible,
to have a working government. Look at the scenes with Papandreou: He
needed months just for getting full knowledge of the debt! It is
impossible to run a country this way. That's the way some 3rd world
country might get run, but it doesn't happen in Europe.
Or at least, that was the assumption.
One thing that wasn't mentioned was the lack of continuity between
When a political party takes charge, it appoints nearly everyone at the
top echelons of each ministry, while the state engine nearly stops.
If the government declares elections, everything freezes (especially tax
collection), and after these finish there's the office reshuffle.
And the previous officers/ministers take everything (files, etc.) from
their office, even the computers.
Now, compare with Belgium, which is nearly two years without a
government and operates better than most Eurozone countries...
Post by Hans-Joachim ZierkePost by Nick FotisThat was like spoiling a child for years, and suddently punishing it
because it became a brat.
The EU is supposed to be an association of the equal, not some
parent-child relationship.
For Greece, that wasn't the case.
Greeks often behave like they do not want to be told the ugly truth, but
want to be told that always others are responsible for their problems.
That's like pampering the voters.
This state of denial still holds sway here, with people proclaiming "I
did pay my taxes, I did nothing illegal!", while at the same time
pocketing large subsidies for agricultural products they didn't produce.
Post by Hans-Joachim ZierkePost by Nick Fotis- nearly half of the wages are not entering the pockets of the eployees,
but are social security costs, medical security, etc.
That's normal.
Note that there was a nasty trick played against the OSE personnel:
the newspapers were implying that the drivers *in general* were earning
100.000 Euros per year, when the reality was that a small number of them
were earning around 50.000, and the typical driver was earning around
25.000 per year
(the 100.000 number was the official cost to the TRAINOSE - but even
then, TRAINOSE didn't pay at this time the retirement fund contribution
Of course, drivers fell into the hole they created by themselves when
were 'leaking' payrolls for political party reasons...
Post by Hans-Joachim ZierkePost by Nick FotisNote that the military spending is being justified with our neighbours
in the east.
I do not see any probability of Germany being attacked by Poland, in
comparison :-)
The Greek expenditure is higher than Germany's in the days of the Iron
Curtain (in percent of GDP).
Well, the Warsaw pact countries were rather careful to not act too
agressive (after all, they had the backing of CCCP), while Turkey often
makes threatening noises
(and the invasion of Cyprus in 1974 still lingers in Greek memories,
never mind that no side was innocent in this)
After all, if Turkey has declared 'casus belli' officially and makes all
the time noises trying to change the 'status quo' established since the
Balkan wars, I feel that the (much smaller) Greece has the right to be
worried and insecure.
Post by Hans-Joachim ZierkePost by Nick FotisMy own opinion on this: the Greek state needs a 'reset'.
And re-using the same state officials, the same politicians, etc. is an
exercise in futility.
So, I would prefer management of the Greek state by outsiders who would
(presumably) be less inclined to bend the rules for their own
advancement, but they would be interested in making the system more
That would be bankruptcy, not just financial bankruptcy, but total
I know, admitting that Greece is more like a 'failed state' is hard.
But many people are really disgusted with the half-hearted attempts done
to make-up the damage instead of cutting the cancer.
I will be blunt: both the two major political parties, mostly after
1981, decided to wine and dine their voters without regard for the
long-term debt situation. And voters were giving their votes in return.
They were passing the 'hot potato' to the next government, and MPs who
were trying to act responsibly were voted out of parliament immediately,
because they were 'spoiling the party'.
Post by Hans-Joachim ZierkeAfter all, Greece isn't somewhere in the 3rd world. You have a working
education system. If an overstaffed administration isn't capable of
doing its job, get them fired, by emergency law if need be, and bring in
kids fresh from university. Of course there will be some friction loss,
but not for a long time.
I hate to disappoint you, but even kids fresh from university are often
too enmeshed in political parties and corruption, demanding passing
grades for voting for some professors, etc..
Often, young politicos are causing all kinds of problems in Greek
universities, and the quality of education in these is suffering (that
is a LONG story).
When I was in National Technical University of Athens, I was mystified
by the repeated repulse of tries for some kind of rating of the
university quality - and the students who repulsed these tries are today
running the universities as professors which gained tenure via a corrupt
system, judging from reports around.
And the bad state of the Greek education has forced the brightest of us
to leave Greece permanently.
There is already a large wave of highly educated Greeks leaving the
country out of disgust and desperation, who will have also to battle the
low opinion that Bild and other newspapers have instilled into their
When Merkel railed against 'lazy Greeks', the official statistics showed
that average Greeks were working more hours per day than Germans and
were going into retirement at a higher age.
A major difference is that the average German worker doesn't have to
battle a corrupt bureaucracy, which invents laws all the time.
A friend has a factory, and he mentioned to me that he is waiting for
the permits for relocating it outside Attica region five years now, with
no end in sight
(he told explicitly to the engineers responsible that he wasn't going to
bribe anyone for accelerating the relocation).
Post by Hans-Joachim ZierkeDon't forget that just some hundred kilometers south, people died by the
tenthousands, in order to finally get into control of their own fate!
Let's hope they'll learn quickly.
Democracy demands much by the people (Demos) who decide their fate.
Now, if they decide to go for an Islamic republic, that'll be their
decision and they'll have to live with the consequences.
Post by Hans-Joachim ZierkePost by Nick Fotis(maybe I am naive and I believe that Europeans are less corrupt - at
least, they seem to be less incapable, although the recent vaccilations
in EU meetings tend to annul that view)
While this report
is based on some inexact science (for lack of a precise tool to measure
corruption), it might not be far from the truth.
Perception is subjective and inexact, unfortunately.
Witness the recent scandal in Japan, with officials in the Olympus
camera company sending money to off-shore companies and the new CEO
being thrown away as he tried to stop this practice.
Or the Siemens bribery scandals that exploded around 2004, first in USA
and later in Europe - they got a slap in the hand (= fines) and they
promised they won't do it again.
And since I am saying 'exploded', do not forget the huge explosion in
Cyprus in the summer.
Or the recent Austrian scandals that are rocking the government...
Corruption is not a simple thing, neither is limited to Greece.