Tadej Brezina
2013-08-18 11:52:18 UTC
xpost: mtra, ur, mtre
fup2: mtra
Dear newsgroup readers!
Could you please advise me on what the correct English translation of
the German technical term "Servicefahrt" could be?
A "Servicefahrt" means the scheduled, but not necessarily executed stop
at a station by a means of public transport.
I would describe this parameter as a measure of a stations service
quality, that usually needs not to be realized in practice, as buses for
example may not stop at (mostly minor) stations as there may be no
requests for alighting/boarding.
So, for example, if the timetable says that on a line two buses run per
day, one bus stops at stations A and B while the other bus stops only at
station A this makes for yearly "Servicefahrten" of 730 (A) and 365 (B).
Thanks in advance and
best regards from Austria
fup2: mtra
Dear newsgroup readers!
Could you please advise me on what the correct English translation of
the German technical term "Servicefahrt" could be?
A "Servicefahrt" means the scheduled, but not necessarily executed stop
at a station by a means of public transport.
I would describe this parameter as a measure of a stations service
quality, that usually needs not to be realized in practice, as buses for
example may not stop at (mostly minor) stations as there may be no
requests for alighting/boarding.
So, for example, if the timetable says that on a line two buses run per
day, one bus stops at stations A and B while the other bus stops only at
station A this makes for yearly "Servicefahrten" of 730 (A) and 365 (B).
Thanks in advance and
best regards from Austria
"Und obwohl der Mensch selbst der größte Räuber ist, den die Welt
gesehen hat, neigt er dazu, alle anderen Räuber zu verurteilen."
<Eugene P. Odum zum Raub in der Ökologie, Ökologie S.254>
(Laptop brezta2)
"Und obwohl der Mensch selbst der größte Räuber ist, den die Welt
gesehen hat, neigt er dazu, alle anderen Räuber zu verurteilen."
<Eugene P. Odum zum Raub in der Ökologie, Ökologie S.254>
(Laptop brezta2)