2013-08-28 20:17:05 UTC
I just stumbled on this BBC story about the direct run from London to
Brighton. They have three separate films of the train making that
journey, one from 1953, one from 1983, and one from 2013, and run them
in parallel so you can see what has - and what hasn't - changed.
Frankly, I'm surprised by how little has changed. Then again, I don't
suppose that many people build things that are going to be visible to
passengers on the train who are looking strictly forward. If the view
had been perpendicular to the train, I suppose there would have been
many more visible changes.
Brighton. They have three separate films of the train making that
journey, one from 1953, one from 1983, and one from 2013, and run them
in parallel so you can see what has - and what hasn't - changed.
Frankly, I'm surprised by how little has changed. Then again, I don't
suppose that many people build things that are going to be visible to
passengers on the train who are looking strictly forward. If the view
had been perpendicular to the train, I suppose there would have been
many more visible changes.